I passed my 8 hour Steam Trains Fireman’s evaluation – so I’m now officially a Disneyland Rail Road Fireman!
The hardest part of the day was the beginning. I hadn’t been on engine no. 1 for over a week and a half, and Nos. 1 & 2 are a bit different from Nos. 3 & 4 (which I had been on every day for the past week and a half.) The fuel stick is more sensitive, the atomizer is more sensitive, and it takes water differently than the others.
It took me 2 full circles to get "caught up", but then I was doin’ great. The engineer would ask how much water I had, or if I was smoking, and 99% of the time, I was right on – that other 1% I was in the middle of adjusting something.
It was a great day – beautiful weather, busy day in the park, and a great engineer / evaluator. Jacob H. was also my classroom trainer during my first week. During the evaluation he tried to "stump" me a couple of times – or has he put it "tested me", but he said I did just great.
I’d like to thank my trainer Norm A. for the lessons, and his ability to teach without hovering and correcting my every move. He did a great job in my opinion.
I’m looking forward to working with everyone, and have A LOT of fun in the cab of those engines that Walt himself sat in and enjoyed as well.
When fun or inter sting things happen, I’m sure I’ll share them…