Living will…
LLiivviinngg wwiillll

Living will…

When I pass away, if anyone finds this, and if there is any interest, here are my last wishes…

At my funeral I’d like:

  • A burial song played: “America the Beautiful”.
  • Other music to be played: “Walkin’ on Sunshine”, Katrina and the Waves; “I Love LA”, Randy Newman;
  • Pizza served. Including taco pizza.
  • A very short speech or eulogy.
  • A 5 minute timer for anyone that cares to speak.
  • Pictures to be displayed: me in Tour Guide Plaid; me in the cab of a Disneyland locomotive; me at Bodie;

My stuff

My Aunt Karen will be responsible for giving and or tossing my stuff (Sorry Aunt Karen). David Keune should get all my Disney stuff. Terri Geissinger should get all my Bodie stuff. Rod Santiano should get all my De Lorean and Back to the Future stuff. These people, and anyone else, are free to give the stuff away, donate it, sell it or trash it, as they choose.

My body

If there are any useable organs, I hope they will be donated and used. Then I’d like to be cremated.

As for a burial, that can be up to Aunt Karen as well. I think I’d actually prefer a website instead of a gravesite. It would take up less space and could contain some kind of written history or collection of my life, with the hopes that the site would stay up for as long as possible.