My “Goodbye message” to Guest Relations at Disneyland…
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My “Goodbye message” to Guest Relations at Disneyland…

This is what I posted on the Guest Relations only website – on July 25th, 2005:

Yes, my last day is July 31st.  And I am happy that I get to give a Walt tour on that day.
My time here was all too short.  I do love Disneyland, I love giving the Walt tour, and I have enjoyed working with so many people at the park.
Starting at Autopia was an honor – being able to work an opening day attraction, working guest control for Fantasmic really was a fun and wonderful experience, and finally transferring to Guest Relations is what made it all worth while.

I still remember my Day 1 training (and probably every subsequent day) in attractions, I told the trainer and the other people there, that my goal was to give the Walk in Walt’s Footsteps tour.  Well, I made it, and it has been an amazing, fantasmic experience!
I have truly loved working at the park and sharing so much guests, making magic and learning so much from everyone.

In the future, if things change in Guest Relations and Disney management begins to value their park employees as real assets, I may think about applying again.  I hope that our Management will listen, recognize, get to know and use the talents of the amazing people in our department. If management could learn one thing – it is how to make people feel like they are part of a team, and not just a number. Working in Guest Relations and being a Disneyland Tour Guide it truly one of the most unique experiences a person can have.  There is only one Disneyland.

I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who has been so nice and friendly toward me.  I am really happy that people seem to enjoy this website, and that the saying "Forever Plaid" does mean something.
I still have A LOT to learn about the Park, about Walt and the company, so please do let me know if anything I share and say is incorrect.  I don’t want to be one of those people spreading wrong information and acting as if I know it all.

Again, a huge thank you to the Cast Members who have made my time here magical and to the rest –   I will always be here on the website and I hope only the good memories of me will stick around.


Dave Tavres