USA Auto Services #1
USA Auto Services #1

USA Auto Services #1

USA Auto Services #1USA Auto Services #1
2695 S. Decatur Blvd. #100
Las Vegas, NV 89102

Thumbs Down - BAD Customer Service

Very disappointing. I called yesterday and asked how much to smog a 1982 DeLorean, and what the best time of day was to come. With the Yelp check in, it would be $7.77. Great.

I got there today, checked in, they put all my car info into the system at the front counter, had me pull up Yelp to do the $7.77 coupon (which they accepted,) then they told me I could pull the car up to the door.

After 15 minutes of checking the VIN (the hard way) and looking at the car, THEN they come up and tell me it will be $25 for the smog check.


I left, and went down the street to Smog Busters (8235 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89147,) where they charged me what they quoted – $20.